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Getting To Know The CEO Who Sells


Getting To Know The CEO Who Sells

1st May,2021
Vishal Kumar


Here are three questions to ponder.
Selling like a CEO protects you from the Competition.

1. Have you ever lost a sale to a new prospect you were sure you were going to win-and found out later that the competitor who got the business was better positioned with a higher-level decision-maker?

Most people I train answer “Yes” to this instantly. When they learn the real reason they didn’t get the business, they realize it had nothing to do with price, performance, or anything related to the competition’s offering. They lost the deal because someone else beat them to the true “approver” of the sale.

Get the add-on business you deserve.

2. Have you ever lost a big existing customer-one that you thought was going to be yours for life?

Again, the answer is almost always “Yes.” One horrible morning, we get the call from our day-to-day contact at Bread-and-Butter Unlimited, and she tells us the bad news: “I’ve got the word from the top: I have to switch to Brand X.” We hang up the phone, and for the next four hours we sob like a baby. Then we kick ourselves around the parking lot for about two hours while we try to figure out how to tell our boss that Bread-and-Butter Unlimited is history. But do we ever ask ourselves, How could I have gotten “to the top” to keep this from happening?

3. Do you have all the add-on business that you’ve worked hard for and deserve from your best existing customers?

Let me guess: You don’t. Instead, you have made due with little extra orders from a couple of your constituents. You’ve been thumping on similar entryways on the grounds that your present contact has you persuaded the person drives the entirety of the choices that influence your monetary future.

That’s two “yes” answers and one “no” answer so far, correct?

Are the wheels turning? Are you starting to think there may just be a better way to build long-term relationships that protect your income?
Good. Keep Reading.


There are clear strategies that will remedy each of these situations. I’m talking about “success steps” that will begin a chain reaction and protect your company, your income, and your future.

In the event that the CEO in every one of your current records hasn’t heard straightforwardly from you about the real worth of your business relationship, you are in danger of losing the business.
What is the Risk of not Taking action.
You’ll learn all about those remedies in this book. You’ll learn them from someone who has been selling at the highest levels for 28 years and who has connected with hundreds of CEOs to find out how they sell effectively.

You’ll learn that size, reputation, title, image, market share, time in service, and acadernic credentials matter far less than you imagine.

When you reach the last pages of this book, you will be ready to calculate the risks, focus on the rewards, and get the results. You deserve. You will patch up your selling cycle and be strategically, deliberately, and in fact situated for enjoying a cutthroat benefit in the new world economy. Congrats. You’ve begun to learn how to fly.

Secrets of VITO

CEOs know that the best way to get something done is to call the person in charge.
If your CEO were going to make a sales call, would he or she start by calling a purchasing agent or an office manager? No!
If you were to ask your own CEO whether it was a good idea for you to initiate contact at the top, what do you think his or her answer would be? You guessed it: Yes!

In order for you to sell like a CEO, you should:

Read this book.
Complete all the end-of chapter exercises.
Connect to the World Wide Web as shown throughout this book.

Contact the CEO of your association, share the main focus you learn, request exhortation, and take cues from her / his. (All this assumes, of course, that you yourself are not already the CEO of your organization!)

Answer the following three questions with total honesty:

1. Have you ever lost a sale to a new prospect that you were sure you were going to win-and found out later that the competitor who got the business was better positioned with a higher-level decision-maker?
Write your answer here: (In Comment Box)

2. Have you ever lost a big existing customer-one that you thought was going to be yours for life?
Write your answer here: (In Comment Box)

3. Do you have all the add-on business that you’ve worked hard for and deserve from your best existing customers?
Write your answer here: (In Comment Box)

If you answered “yes” to the first or the second question and/or “no” to the third, you’re perfectly positioned to benefit from the ideas in this book.

Keep going!
Don’t lose momentum.
Start reading Chapter 2 within 24 hours of finishing Chapter 1.

Thank you!




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